I have to Vent...
I like my appartment a lot. The rent is going up at the end of this month, so we have been thinking about and looking for a new place. But the location is ideal, its big, it has hardwood floors and a teeny backyard, so sometimes I think I am overreacting and should just stay. Then Monday happened.
The guy that lives in the appartment below me shares 1/2 the utilities, laundry room, and the enterence to the building. Current guy has been there for 1+1/2 months. He has a little girl (<2 years) smokes a lot of pot, and has not yet paid his rent or the utilities for last month.
On Monday evening I was home on the computer when Renato came home and was talking to someone in the entery way. These 2 people were camping in our entry way! One said he was a friend of the guy downstairs, he asked Renato for money, then for a drive. Renato noticed he was trying to carve into the door jam with a skrewdriver. He kicked them out and we called the landloard. The landloard called the guy, and guy said he didn't know the people and they were not allowed in the house.
About 1/2 hour later I smelled cigarette smoke. We share a common vent with the downstairs appartment and it is a non-smoking building. I hate smoke! So Renato went down and knocked on the door. The fellow who was in the hall (trying to break in) earlier answered and told Renato he had found an open window and let himself in!! This scared the hell out of us. We called the cops. The cops came and said we had to call the tennant. Guy (tennant) told the cops over the phone that these people were his friend and they cound stay. The cops told us that these 2 people were known crack addicts and to be careful.
Great, just Great!
So then we called the landloards and told them what happened. The landloards did come over and we chatted, pretty much with the guys permission these people could stay, but the landloard said that they will do what they can to get rid of this guy. Needless to say, I did not sleep much that night.
Am I over-reacting? Supposedly guy has to be out this Saturday if he does not pay the rent by then. I really hope he does not pay, and that he is gone. I don't feel safe anymore and want to change the locks once he is gone. I also want to call the landloard on saturday, if hes not gone by then, and say its either him or us.
Guy came up last night and apologized. I listened to him, but didn't accept his apology, I can't foregive it, I;m still scared! I think this guy gets by with apologies. I actually felt like pushing him down the stairs... just a little. I can't wait until Saturday
There, I vented!