
That's one Big Neckalce

It sure is.....
I made this out of a lot of copper and a lot of silver. But I am so proud, because I made 'most' of the componants all by myself. I made the 2 silver beads, all of the caps, the chain (Jen's Pind weave) and the clasp! I did not make the 2 large copper beads (but I sure do like them) the lampwork central bead, the 2 jasper discs, or the 4 Thai silver washers. This looks great on, it's not as heavy as it looks because most of the beads are hallow.
Hope you like it!

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Thanks guys!! The beads weren't actually very hard to make. I'd never attempt to make them without a punch and dappeler, but other than that, basic drilling and soldering.